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  • Image of Black & White Darkroom Film Developing & Printing Workshop
  • Image of Black & White Darkroom Film Developing & Printing Workshop

Black & White Darkroom Film Developing & Printing Workshop



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Day 1: Developing black and white film/ intro to darkroom tools and process (two hours)
Day 2: Develop your gray card print. Mixing chems, test prints process, and contrast filters. (Three hours)
Day 3: Learn split grade printing and time to print on your own, with help if needed. ( three hours)

We will work together to schedule the days and times that work best.

You will be provided one roll of black and white film of your choice, up to 15 sheets of darkroom paper, a gray card, and all the tools and equipment needed to make a darkroom print.

Before the workshop: you will be required to pick up your roll of film and gray card at Vegas Analog in the Arts Factory. You will then have to shoot the roll of film and take one shot on the roll with the gray card being at least 40% of the composition. You can bring other rolls of black and white film you shot to print from but you will need the gray card shot as part of the learning process.

Each darkroom lesson will be one-on-one at a home darkroom space. Please be ok with being in a confined dark space alongside me as I show you the ropes.

Day one:
- loading tank in the dark
- mixing chems / ratios
- darkroom tools / steps
-develop roll of film

Day two:
-mixing chems/ratios
-developing a print
-evaluating a print

Day three:
-split grade printing technique
-open print time